Brands Social – Global Brands Magazine Your Guide to the Top Brands in the world Fri, 10 May 2024 05:39:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brands Social – Global Brands Magazine 32 32 Generative AI: Supercharging Social Engineering Scams in 2024 Fri, 10 May 2024 05:39:23 +0000 Imagine a world where phishing emails are so realistic they could fool anyone, and phone calls where a scammer perfectly mimics your CEO’s voice. This isn’t some dystopian future – it’s the chilling reality of cybercrime powered by a new wave of technology called generative AI.

The Double-Edged Sword of Generative AI

Generative AI is like a magic coin for businesses. On one side, it unlocks incredible opportunities for innovation and creativity. On the other side, it throws open the doors to a whole new level of cyber risk. The race to adopt this powerful tool is happening at breakneck speed, but a dark cloud hangs over it – the ever-present threat of cybercrime.

In today’s world, where it’s increasingly difficult to tell real from fake, cybercriminals are using generative AI to launch sophisticated social engineering attacks and spread misinformation like wildfire. While AI has the potential to revolutionize creative and analytical work, the risks it poses are still a bit of a mystery.

Think about phishing emails. Now imagine them crafted by AI, so convincing they look like they came straight from your boss. No more typos, no grammatical errors – just perfectly written emails designed to trick you into clicking that malicious link. It’s enough to make your head spin.

And it doesn’t stop there. AI can also create profile pictures that are indistinguishable from the real thing. Deepfake videos, once the stuff of science fiction, are now entering the game, blurring the lines between reality and fabrication in a way that’s downright scary.

The Rise of the AI-Powered Scammer

Armed with these powerful tools, cybercriminals are creating believable online personas that allow them to reach you anywhere – on social media, through email, even on live calls. While generative AI’s role in social engineering is still young, it’s clear that it’s going to have a massive impact on the cybercrime landscape in the coming years. Here’s what we can expect in 2024:

  • Tech Skills No Longer Required? Forget needing to be a computer whiz to be a cybercriminal. The rise of easy-to-use AI tools means almost anyone can create convincing phishing emails or malicious scripts. AI models are also getting better at mimicking human behavior and personalizing content, making AI-generated scams even harder to spot.
  • The Open-Source Threat: Open-source AI models are another big concern. Unlike their closed-source counterparts with built-in safety features, these models can be customized and used for malicious purposes without any restrictions. This opens the door for cybercrime groups to develop their own custom AI tools, creating a never-ending cycle of innovation in the dark web.
  • Live Deepfakes Become a Reality: Deepfakes aren’t just science fiction anymore. They’re a real threat, and recent attacks show just how devastating they can be. Imagine a live video call where a scammer perfectly mimics your CEO’s voice to steal millions. It’s happening, and it’s only going to get worse. While real-time deepfakes still face some technical hurdles, AI’s ability to mimic voices and writing styles is already a major concern.

Fighting Back in the Age of AI

So how do we fight back against this tide of AI-powered scams? The answer lies in being proactive. Here’s what we can do:

  • AI vs. AI: We can use AI for good too! Security teams are using AI to detect and block sophisticated phishing attempts before they reach your inbox.
  • Thinking Like a Hacker: By understanding how cybercriminals operate and the tools they use, security professionals can stay one step ahead. Red-teaming exercises and offensive security strategies are crucial in this fight.
  • Educating Ourselves: The most powerful defense is an informed workforce. By training employees to spot the red flags of AI-powered scams, we can create a more secure digital landscape.

The digital world is constantly evolving, and with it, the tactics of cybercriminals. In the age of generative AI, learning to identify synthetic media and misinformation is more important than ever. By working together and leveraging the power of AI for good, we can navigate the complexities of cybersecurity and stay safe online.

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X Introduces Grok-Powered News Summaries Wed, 08 May 2024 05:03:15 +0000
  • X’s former Twitter platform integrates Elon Musk’s AI chatbot Grok to automate personalized trending story summaries in its Explore section.
  • Grok’s Stories, available to Premium subscribers, offer succinct overviews of trending topics discussed on the platform, potentially impacting news consumption patterns and partnerships with traditional news publishers.
  • X, the former Twitter platform, announced and posted screenshots showing that Elon Musk’s AI chatbot Grok will power an automated feature which summarizes personalized trending stories in Explore section of their app. As announced and shown via screenshots posted by their engineering team on Friday, Premium subscribers of X will now have the chance to read a summary of posts associated with each trending story seen under “For You tab in Explore.”

    The For You page highlights news and stories being discussed across X’s platform that are popular within your network, along with any suggested items. This feature serves as one of the first stops for those wanting a quick way to stay informed without spending hours scrolling their timelines.

    Grok-powered summary for AI Burnout Story begins by noting “AI engineers are facing burnout and rushed rollouts due to the competitive race in the tech industry, as companies prioritize investor satisfaction over solving actual problems.” After briefly touching upon AI “Rat Race”, this story concludes by noting “critics argue that proper safeguards and thoughtful innovation should not be afterthoughts in the pursuit of AI investments …”

    Humorously, a message appears below that summary, warning: “Grok can make mistakes, verify its outputs.”

    Summarizing trends is nothing new; what’s different this time around, however, is how they’re done. Under its previous leadership Twitter began adding headlines and descriptions of trends back in 2020 without using AI bots; rather they annotated some daily trends with extra information and pin some representative tweets as context; however Twitter’s implementation was inconsistent; some trends getting covered while others didn’t.

    With Grok’s Stories – or as they’re commonly known – all the top news from For You is summarized into bite-size chunks for easier consumption.

    Grok is designed as an incentive to purchase premium subscriptions through xAI’s chatbot Grok, accessible with Premium or top-tier Premium+ plans. Users can access Grok by tapping on the bottom middle button in the app – unlike other AI chatbots like ChatGPT he provides exclusive and real-time access to X data that not other chatbots possess.

    Alex Kantrowitz published to X on Friday an essay outlining Elon Musk’s proposed plans for AI-powered news on X, following an email conversation between himself and its owner, Jaan.

    Kantrowitz explained that conversations on X will form the core of Grok’s summaries; thus omitting article texts despite what people might be discussing on that platform. That could present problems when trying to paint an accurate representation of news being shared; instead what might be being talked about could just be reactions and opinions rather than actual news itself. Kantrowitz called Grok’s move controversial but acknowledged its potential.

    Journalists already face AI news summaries from other areas and startups alike; for example Arc’s web browser features an AI summary feature while former Twitter engineers have begun developing Particle, an AI news summarization service. How this affects traffic to news sites remains to be seen; although Kantrowitz believes users might go deeper once their curiosity has been aroused; on the flip side it may cause page views to decrease leading to less material available to AI bots like Grok.

    As such, some news publishers are making deals with AI providers like OpenAI’s recent announcement with the Financial Times (FT). Others like Axel Springer, the Associated Press (AP), Le Monde and others have announced similar partnerships; in X’s case it allows accessing news via its conversation around it without necessarily needing partners in order to access content itself – an approach both innovative and worrisome in terms of misinformation issues.

    Grok’s Stories have begun rolling out to Premium X subscribers now and can be purchased by paying through web or app store payments starting from $8 a month if done so directly.

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    Storytelling Reinvented: Instagram Introduces Reveal and Music Stickers Mon, 06 May 2024 06:05:20 +0000
  • Instagram introduces “Reveal” feature for hidden Stories, “Add Yours Music” sticker, and “Frames” for Polaroid-style archiving.
  • Algorithm changes prioritize original content over reposts, addressing creators’ concerns and aiming for better content discovery.
  • Instagram announced on Friday a series of new features to Stories that provide users with creative new ways of sharing and engaging, specifically the launch of “Reveal”, an innovative new way for you to post hidden Stories for followers to discover via direct messages (DM). Furthermore, other new capabilities allow them to highlight songs they enjoy or highlight memories via Stories.

    To use Reveal, tap on the stickers icon when creating your Story and choose “Reveal.” When asked by Snap to type out an hint for your blurred tale, type one out here before posting your post to Snapchat; your friends can only view its content by sending you direct messages (DMs).

    Reveal may be useful to both friends and creators alike; creators could especially benefit as this feature allows for increased Story engagement. Instagram notes that each DM won’t need to be approved separately in order for Reveal to work; therefore creators won’t have to deal with having to go through thousands of them themselves!

    Instagram will soon introduce a “Add Yours Music” sticker for Stories, which allows users to share songs that suit their mood while encouraging followers to do the same. This builds off its “Add yours” sticker which allows people to respond with stories on certain prompts or topics.

    Users will also gain access to a new “Frames” feature which transforms photos into virtual Polaroid pictures that they can view by shaking their phone (if shaking is too much, simply click “Shake to Reveal” button instead). Stories usually focus on sharing updates about what is currently going on; while Frames offers users more of an archive-type of posting.

    Once you select an image to showcase, Frames sticker will automatically include its date and timestamp of when the photo was taken as well as give an option to add captions directly onto its virtual Polaroid photo frame.

    “Cutouts” allows users to convert any video or photo stored in their camera roll into custom stickers for use in Stories or Reels, similar to Apple’s image cutout tool which lets you “pick up” objects easily with just the tap of their finger.

    Instagram announced on Tuesday that it is rolling out new changes to its ranking systems to better highlight content from smaller and original creators. As part of these adjustments, reposts will be replaced with original material when suggesting recommendations; reposted items will receive labels; content aggregators will no longer appear within these recommendations – following months of criticism from creators’ whose reach had been negatively impacted by Instagram’s algorithm.

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    Snapchat’s AR Evolution for Brands Fri, 03 May 2024 05:30:51 +0000
  • Snapchat enhances AR and ML tools for advertisers, streamlining asset creation and offering custom AR ad experiences.
  • Snap’s revenue for Q1 2024 increased by 21% year-on-year, driven by improvements in their advertising platform and a surge in small and medium-sized advertisers.
  • Snapchat recently unveiled several augmented reality (AR) and machine learning (ML) tools designed to assist brands and advertisers reach users through interactive experiences on its social network.

    Snapchat announced recently that they’ve invested heavily in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and automation to streamline AR try-on asset creation for brands. Over recent years, Snapchat has worked with companies like Amazon and Tiffany & Co to give users virtual try-on experiences within its app; more recently they reduced time needed to produce such assets for companies looking to quickly turn more of their 2D product catalogs into 3D try-on experiences on its social network.

    Plus, brands can now use generative AI technology to produce custom AR ads with custom Lenses using Snapchat’s Lens Gen technology. Snapchat reported that with this new capability, brands can provide simple text or image prompts in order to generate unique ML models capable of adding realistic face effects onto lenses that they then use as AR ads on Snapchat.

    Snapchat recently unveiled AR Extensions, which enable advertisers to embed AR lenses and filters directly into all its ad formats – Dynamic Product Ads, Snap Ads, Collection Ads, Commercials and Spotlight Ads – using Snap’s APIs.

    Early adaptor of AR technology, Amazon states that over 300 million people engage with its app each day with AR experiences on average.

    Snap announced last week that its revenue for Q1 2024 increased 21% year-on-year to $1.195 million due mainly to improvements made to their advertising platform. Furthermore, they revealed that year-over-year their number of small and medium-sized advertisers on Snapchat has also grown dramatically; up 85% year-on-year.

    Snapchat announced Wednesday that they are making substantial investments into their ad business and that demand has skyrocketed since launch of SnapAds. They noted their plans were “encouraged”.

    Snap also announced it’s unveiling an unconventional sports channel called the Snap Sports Network within Snapchat that will cover unconventional disciplines, such as dog surfing, extreme ironing and water bottle flipping. User-generated content as well as scripted programs hosted by Snap Stars will all feature on this new network.

    Snapchat and Live Nation have extended their partnership by creating the Snap Nation Public Profile that will showcase exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of concerts, plus curate stories about Live Nation concerts and festivals that include public posts by users.

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    WhatsApp Introduces Seamless Event Organization Feature Thu, 02 May 2024 06:00:50 +0000
  • WhatsApp introduces event organization within Communities, simplifying planning and RSVPs directly within the app.
  • Users can now reply directly to Announcement Group messages, enhancing communication within communities while keeping discussions organized.
  • WhatsApp announced Wednesday a new way for individuals to organize events within Communities using WhatsApp, making planning get-togethers and events simpler than ever – from PTA meetings and birthday dinners directly within WhatsApp to simple get-togethers!

    Anyone can create events for others to RSVP on, providing all group members an overview of who plans on attending and when the date approaches. Event listings will appear within their group’s information page and attendees will get notifications as the event date approaches.

    This new feature will initially become available to groups belonging to Communities and will gradually extend outward over the course of coming months.

    WhatsApp has also introduced the ability for users to reply directly to Announcement Group messages sent from admins of communities, known as Announcement Groups, which allow administrators of such communities to send updates out directly. Replies will be collected so you can easily see who else responded without receiving notifications about each post individually – this new feature allows admins to hear what their members think while keeping Announcement Groups organized and free of clutter.

    WhatsApp Communities was released back in November to allow neighborhoods, school associations, hobbyists and more to stay connected by letting admins join up to 50 groups into one Community at one time. Over time new features will be made available within Communities and groups – an idea shared by WhatsApp Inc.

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    Revolutionizing Social Media: X’s Leap into the Living Room with TV App Wed, 24 Apr 2024 06:55:31 +0000
  • X, formerly Twitter, is launching a TV app to bring user-uploaded videos to living room screens, competing directly with YouTube.
  • The X TV app promises a familiar interface, trend tracking, and seamless cross-device viewing for an engaging entertainment experience.
  • Social networking platform Twitter (X) has unveiled plans for an expanded video horizon with plans to unveil an exclusive television app which will deliver user-uploaded videos directly onto living room television screens – providing viewers with greater access to videos than YouTube can offer on such larger displays. CEO Linda Yaccarino hinted at such expansion in a recent announcement made by CEO Linda Yaccarino of this social network, previously known by its previous name Twitter (T).

    “X users will soon enjoy real-time, captivating content on their smart TVs via the X TV App,” according to company official statements.

    the new app provides easy navigation and user friendliness similar to YouTube, featuring algorithm-powered content curation feature Trending Video that keeps you abreast of what’s hot on X. Likewise, AI organizes videos by subject matter making finding videos more straightforward – viewing on multiple devices simultaneously becomes effortless with seamless cross-device functionality allowing an unbroken viewing experience on both phones then continuing where they left off later!

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    How Innovative QR Codes Transform Global Branding Strategies Wed, 10 Apr 2024 04:25:25 +0000 QR codes have emerged from their initial obscurity to become power players in the global branding game. They’re allowing brands big and small to rewrite the rulebook on customer engagement, funneling more prospects towards a purchase, and generally getting the word out about companies in a proactive manner.

    To illustrate the benefits they offer, here are a few examples of the innovations in branding that are made possible with a humble QR code.

    Why QR Codes have Branding Clout

    The adoption of QR codes by companies for promotional purposes is partly down to consumer demand – with 89 million Americans scanning at least one code annually, and 45% of this group doing so in order to get the lowdown on marketing materials on their mobile devices.

    Here are a few talking points behind their rise to prominence:

    • The pandemic heralded unprecedented times where touch-free became the norm, catapulting QR code usage into daily life.
    • Initially popular in automotive manufacturing for tracking parts, today’s QR codes carry payloads of interactive content far beyond their original data storage intent.
    • Countries such as China have seen near-universal adoption rates due in part to WeChat integration, ensuring QR technology is woven into the social fabric.

    On top of all this, the fact that any company can generate a QR code for free means that there’s no financial obstacle to adopting them for brand-building. So even if you just add one to product packaging or print media promotions to point would-be customers to your website, it can make a major difference and be the work of a minute.

    Case Studies of Major Brands’ QR Initiatives

    To further emphasize the relevance of QR codes for branding, it’s a good idea for us to touch on a few instances in which household name organizations have adopted this approach:

    • Spotify: Music giant Spotify has transformed playlists into scan-able experiences in locations from bus stops to bar coasters, with each code pointing listeners toward curated vibes that click with their tastes. These codes are good for Spotify as a whole, as well as a means of artists using the platform to promote themselves, so it’s a symbiotic relationship.
    • Nike: Nike revolutionized shopping by launching exclusive sneaker drops via QR codes, transforming the shopping experience into a treasure hunt for sneakerheads – as well as implementing them as part of its running app.
    • Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola added AR experiences to its digital out-of-home marketing efforts via the #TakeATasteNow campaign, making every sip interactive with QR codes on dynamic ad screens that are also tied back into its loyalty app.

    Integrating QR codes with creativity allows these titans to prove that traditional branding is evolving, and smaller businesses can certainly take a leaf from their book in this regard.

    QR Codes for Brand Storytelling

    To get customers more invested in your brand, you need to form the framework of an authentic story around it. QR codes can kick start this process in various ways, including a few of the following:

    • Wine producers utilize QR codes to transport consumers to vineyards, offering a visual and educational journey recounting the origin of each bottle’s contents.
    • Artists and designers have embedded QR technology into product packaging, transforming ordinary items into interactive art exhibits and deepening consumer-brand connection.
    • Fashion brands tap into transparency trends, detailing sustainable practices through scannable tags that reveal ethical sourcing and production processes.

    So while promos linked through QR codes are all well and good, don’t be shy about seeking out the narrative potential that they also represent.

    Final Thoughts

    As mentioned, the main reason to experiment with QR codes for branding, whether at a local or global scale, is because they represent an affordable inroad into this strategic step. Take the above examples and form your own campaigns based on the inspiration they provide.

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    5 Best Digital Marketing Strategies to Enter the Chinese Market Wed, 28 Feb 2024 01:08:49 +0000 Despite the slowed economy, present geopolitical risks, and the impact of the pandemic, China remains the most attractive global market for foreign businesses.

    It continues to provide unparalleled opportunities for businesses around the world and is among the most vibrant markets in terms of the digital environment.

    However, knowing where these opportunities lie and accessing the country can be challenging, especially for first-time market entrants.

    In this article, you’ll learn the top digital marketing strategies for entering the Chinese market. But first, let’s find out the benefits of doing business in China.

    The Benefits of Doing Business in China

    Simple. China is the biggest consumer market in the world. With over 1.4 billion individuals as a consumer base, the country offers tremendous opportunities for enterprises to expand and succeed.  

    And given its size, it is central to many global and regional developments. China has the leading global manufacturing capacity and a developed supply chain and infrastructure.

    Furthermore, it has the biggest e-commerce market worldwide, reaching $3 trillion this year and an impressive growth of $4 trillion by 2027. The country holds about half of the world’s e-commerce transactions in the digital era alone.

    The factors that drive e-commerce growth in China are the combination of high internet rates and a vast population, which lay the foundation for online retail. Then, there are government initiatives to enhance people’s digital literacy. 

    In addition, China also is known for its market stability and skilled workforce. All these present new market opportunities for foreign businesses.

    However, doing business in China is not without challenges. The policy-driven market means foreign businesses must pay close attention to evolving policy trends; the digital landscape is also completely different from that in the West, which requires adapting or even creating a new marketing system for China. 

    So, what are the best digital marketing strategies if you want to enter the Chinese market?

    Top 5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Enter the Chinese Market

    1. Be “Baidu’ed” – Utilize Chinese search engine

    Google is our top choice when searching for information online, but not for the Chinese market. For them, they use Baidu. In fact, it has surpassed Google with almost 86% market share.

    Hence, understanding and using Chinese search engines will be an essential step for successfully entering the Chinese market via digital marketing. Learn more ways to optimize your visibility in search engine result pages here.

    2. Work with a PR agency

    Successful business activities depend on excellent relationships. This is more true in China. As such, try to achieve a meaningful engagement with your audience for your business.

    Get yourself a local public relations agency in China. There are benefits to it because they have in-depth knowledge of China and its culture, they understand the best media channels for your business and niche, and they have established relationships with industry journalists that can help you establish credibility and elevate your brand awareness.

    To achieve even greater awareness, combine this strategy with influencer marketing because it is among the most effective types of marketing in the country. People in China are more interested in the products and services their favorite influencers promote than the brand-promoted ones.

    3. Collaborate with established local partners

    Acknowledge and value the experience and expertise of established local partners. By forging strategic partnerships or participating in joint ventures with Chinese companies, you’ll gain access to established networks and deeply understand the country’s business landscape.

    This strategy reduces the risk of entering the Chinese market and facilitates a smoother market entry. Moreover, implementing it effectively could accelerate business growth and bring long-term success.

    But don’t forget successful collaboration requires clear communication, a shared commitment to achieve a common goal, and mutual respect.

    4. Go mobile and social

    The majority of Chinese people use their smartphones to go online. This is why it’s essential to embrace mobile technology in China

    Make your website mobile-friendly and use Chinese social media platforms to promote your products or services or even sell your products directly through e-commerce.

    WeChat and Weibo are two of China’s top social media giants. Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu) and Douyin are also among the most popular social media platforms. Although your business is not required to be active on all of the platforms, building an active social media presence will help you reach your audience more effectively. 

    One thing worth noting is that Chinese social media platforms are built on a closed-loop ecosystem, which means direct external links are usually not allowed. A smarter move is to focus on 1 or 2 key social media platforms as a “hub” and build a strategic funnel based on that platform.

    In this case, WeChat is the No.1 choice for most businesses to build their “hub” because of its powerful integrations with third-party apps and marketing features.

    5. Localize your brand 

    Cultural and traditional values are important in the Chinese community. Therefore, it is wise for new market entrants to refer to Chinese customs. 

    Understand their culture so you can localize your business or messages to connect better with your audience. Just look at how McDonald’s China menu incorporated local tastes to adapt to the local market.

    Nevertheless, Chinese consumers are also interested in and have been influenced by Western culture, as observed by their purchasing habits.

    Knowing these variables will help you determine the differences among people’s behavior and attitudes and know the value orientation of your target audiences.

    Note, however, that localization is not as simple as translating slogans and brand names. Brand localization in China requires understanding the Chinese culture and adapting your brand name, content, and brand positioning in a way that will be relevant to the Chinese target audience.

    The Takeaway

    In essence, entering the Chinese market is by no means, easy. There are fierce competition, trade, and cultural and language barriers to consider.

    However, by applying any of these digital marketing strategies we shared above and with continuous innovation, the future of your business in China can set remarkable milestones.

    All the best in your new venture!

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    How To Ensure That Your Business Is Protected From Every Angle Mon, 26 Feb 2024 06:00:09 +0000 Every business owner can appreciate the need to protect their company. However, potential threats come from multiple directions. So, only a robust and comprehensive strategy will suffice. Whether launching a startup or looking to upgrade the security measures for your existing venture, this guide is for you. Let’s get started.

    Protecting Your Business In The Modern Era: 10 Key Steps For Success

    Step 1. Choose Trustworthy Partners and Suppliers

    Most businesses naturally implement positive steps to protect themselves internally. Sadly, the benefits will be greatly hindered if you work with unprotected suppliers or service providers. After all, if criminals infiltrate those systems, they could subsequently access your data. Or conduct an attack on your venture.

    Diligence is very important when selecting software providers for document management. After all, your created files will be sensitive. Apryse completed the AICPA Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type I audit. So, this is the perfect choice for developers who want to generate, convert, view, edit, and sign documents within an App.

    However, you should additionally take care when choosing suppliers. If they do not provide a reliable service, it will inevitably impact your company’s output. You cannot allow those outside influences to stop your progress.

    Choose Trustworthy Partners and Suppliers

    Source: Pixabay

    Step 2. Stop Intellectual Theft, Internally and Externally

    When thinking about theft, most companies worry about products and data. Ultimately, though, the worst damage occurs when your ideas and intellectual property are stolen. Only you should benefit from them, and allowing others to take advantage will indirectly stand in the way of your conversions. Worse still, your reputation will become compromised.

    Before worrying about external threats, though, you must focus on internal matters. Without the right protection, ex-employees could take your innovations, client lists, and other details. The use of non-disclosure agreements protects your business with a legally binding contract. It is the key to confidentiality and ongoing success.

    As for external threats, fraudsters could try to rip off your brand with counterfeit goods. Or competitors could try to emulate your products. Either way, copyrights and patents protect you. When necessary, you should not resist taking legal action.

    Step 3. Invest in the Best Cybersecurity Systems

    Protecting your intellectual property will give your business a solid platform to build upon. For the best results, though, your company must ensure that it is supported by the right security systems. This is particularly important in the digital space. This is because the majority of SMEs that fall victim to data breaches sadly stop trading within a matter of months.

    Statista reports that the average cyber breach costs businesses $4.35 million. Meanwhile, other reports suggest attacks occur every 39 seconds. SMEs are often the target because criminals expect the defense systems to be less robust. Given that an increasing percentage of business activities take place in the digital space, you cannot ignore this issue.

    Whether you take the in-house or outsourced approach, a comprehensive strategy must be used. Firewalls, anti-virus tools, two-step authentications, and mobile security are all key features. But you must address other issues too.

    Step 4. Keep Employees Aware of the Latest Scams

    Keep Employees Aware of the Latest Scams

    Source: Pixabay

    Image – Pixabay CC0 License

    Putting the right cybersecurity systems in place will make the firm far less vulnerable to cyberattacks and damage. However, criminals continue to develop more advanced tactics in a bid to infiltrate defense systems. Crucially, they will often target employees as a potential weakness. As a business owner, then, you must prevent potential attacks.

    Almost 90% of all cyber attacks can be attributed to human error or behavior. With this in mind, it’s vital that you invest in regular staff training to ensure that all workers are able to avoid scams. This can protect you from ransomware, phishing scams, malware, and more. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

    In addition to preventing cyber attacks, you must teach employees how to respond. Every minute matters following a breach. A clear protocol of who to contact and how to prevent further damage should be a priority at all times.

    Step 5. Choose Secure Payment Systems

    Suitable business protection should extend to many different aspects of the venture. Ultimately, though, financial elements will always sit close to the top of your agenda. While this topic itself can be broken down into several areas, transactions deserve a lot of attention. Without smooth payments, the venture cannot generate revenue.

    For starters, you must invest in a point-of-sale system that is capable of accepting all major credit and debit cards. It should also manage both online and offline transactions. Meanwhile, Mastercard’s Small Business AI tools ensure that merchants can gain help if required. So, you will be far better positioned for sustained success.

    It delivers a better experience for the client, which can only translate to better results for the company. When supported by the right choice of business banking solutions, the company will stand on stronger ground.

    Step 6. Protect Physical Workspaces

    By now, it should be clear that protecting your business in the digital space is vital. Especially with transactions and data transfers. However, businesses should not overlook the need to use advanced security in physical workspaces. Otherwise, it could leave them open to theft, vandalism, and other very costly outcomes.

    As well as break-ins, you need to be aware of theft during opening hours. Statistics show that almost 1 in 10 Americans shoplift, and it is an issue that can cost your company dearly. An alarm system is essential while security guards serve as a deterrent too. Adding security cameras is also advised, not least because it builds evidence for any legal cases.

    Meanwhile, you can protect commercial spaces with access entry points that utilize biometrics. This will prevent unauthorized access. It additionally ensures that employees can only reach the areas that are permitted to enter.

    Protect Physical Workspaces

    Source: Pixabay

    Step 7. Manage Your Reputation

    When protecting the immediate and long-term future of the business, you must consider the reputation too. Otherwise, you will find it very difficult to maintain the loyalty of your customers. Likewise, it will become even harder to win new clients from your competitors. Worse still, reputations can be quickly lost and difficult to rebuild.

    As far as digital matters are concerned, reviews are the key to success. It is shown that 88% of consumers consult reviews, and positive views will influence their decisions. More importantly, negative reviews can impact their opinions as well as your search engine visibility. When supported by a strong social media presence, reputations soar.

    Your business reputation can also be supported by affiliate marketing and influence marketing. Meanwhile, the external spaces and reception spaces within the business premises will have a big impact too.

    Step 8. Avoid Financial Waste

    Business success can be defined in many ways using various key performance indicators. However, nothing else matters if the company’s finances aren’t in good health. The road to increased revenue may be a long one that requires a lot of patience. So, one of the best ways to regain control is through reduced financial waste.

    Firstly, negotiating with suppliers, like energy companies, will make a difference. Where possible, automation can help reduce manufacturing and material waste too. Perhaps most importantly, you should focus on tax relief and credits. Hiring an accountant seems like an added expense but will save you money in the long run. As well as a lot of hassle.

    If nothing else, increased financial efficiency allows you to be more competitively priced. Moreover, it will provide the blueprint for cost-effective growth and expansion. So, the benefits can be enjoyed for the long haul.

    Step 9. Get the Right Insurance Coverage

    Get the Right Insurance Coverage

    Source: Pixabay

    While prevention is the best form of protection, the harsh reality is that you cannot stop all threats. Therefore, you must also ensure that you are prepared to deal with all situations. Ensuring that your company is protected with the necessary insurance coverage should be at the top of your agenda. This will serve as a financial and emotional safety net.

    Insurance payouts will allow you to get the business back on track following an incident. Some products that you must consider include liability, workers’ compensation, and interruption insurance. In today’s climate, cyber liability insurance is as vital as commercial property insurance.

    In addition to issuance, businesses can put contingencies like backup power generators in place. Moreover, having the capability to work from home can offer a solution if the commercial property is temporarily closed.

    Step 10. Provide a Winning Service

    Building a strong platform to protect the business is one thing, but it counts for little without the right products and services. After all, if you get this wrong, there soon won’t be a business to protect. Besides, providing a better service will aid other factors like the software you choose and security matters.

    Providing the best client support, underpinned by transparency and quick responses, is vital. It is known that 75% of consumers will spend more with businesses that have a good customer experience. It is also a key issue that will get more conversions over the line. Moreover, it will keep them coming back for more.

    Providing more convenient transactions, along with loyalty schemes, can make a huge difference. Once you have established a winning business protocol, it should give you the added emphasis to protect it.

    The Final Word

    A business is only successful if it has a long-term future, which is why putting the right protection in place is vital. Above all else, you must act with consistency. Otherwise, a single vulnerability could spell disaster. For the sake of the venture as well as your peace of mind, now is the time to gain control.

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    Brand Evolution: Building Sustainable Value in Today’s Market Mon, 26 Feb 2024 04:40:49 +0000
  • Brands as business models emphasize emotional connection, authenticity, and consistent experiences to drive long-term value.
  • Successful examples include Apple, Nike, Patagonia, and LEGO, which leverage their brand identities to attract loyal customers.
  • Challenges include sustaining commitment, navigating competition, measuring ROI, and maintaining authenticity while implementing brand-driven strategies.
  • Businesses in today’s highly competitive environment are always on the lookout for fresh and unique strategies to set themselves apart and create lasting value. While products and services are still important, a brand can actually become a robust business model on its own. By doing so, it can attract devoted customers, establish trust, and ultimately drive sustainable profitability. This article takes a deep dive into the idea of brands as business models, examining its fundamental principles, advantages, real-life success stories, and the obstacles that companies may encounter when embracing this approach.

    From Products to Brands: A New Perspective

    Businesses have typically concentrated on creating and selling products or services to make money through sales. Yet, adopting a brand-as-a-business-model mindset changes the game. It goes beyond just the products themselves. It acknowledges that powerful brands establish an emotional bond with customers, foster trust and loyalty, and ultimately boost value for all involved.

    This involves dedicating resources to crafting a unique brand image that connects with the intended audience, embodies fundamental beliefs, and stirs up positive feelings. It extends further than just looks and communication to cover all facets of the customer journey, from the quality of the product and its packaging to advertising and customer support.

    Core Principles of Brands as Business Models:

    Several key principles underpin this approach:

    1. Authenticity: Building a brand around a genuine set of values and beliefs that resonate with the target audience is crucial. Authenticity fosters trust and creates an emotional connection.
    2. Storytelling: Compelling narratives that capture the brand’s essence and connect with customers emotionally are powerful tools for building engagement and loyalty.
    3. Consistency: Delivering a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints, from advertising to customer service, reinforces brand identity and builds trust.
    4. Community Building: Creating a sense of belonging and fostering meaningful relationships with customers strengthens brand loyalty and advocacy.
    5. Adaptability: Brands need to evolve and adapt to changing consumer preferences and market dynamics while maintaining their core values and identity.

    Benefits of Brands as Business Models:

    Adopting this approach can deliver several benefits:

    • Premium Pricing: Strong brands can command premium prices due to the perceived value they offer and the emotional connection with customers.
    • Customer Loyalty: Loyal customers are more likely to repurchase, recommend the brand to others, and be less sensitive to price increases.
    • Reduced Marketing Costs: Strong brand associations can reduce the need for aggressive marketing campaigns, as loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing take precedence.
    • Talent Acquisition and Retention: Employers with strong brands attract and retain top talent who identify with their values and mission.
    • Greater Resilience: Strong brands are more resilient during economic downturns due to the stronger relationships and trust they have built with customers.

    Examples of Successful Brands as Business Models:

    Several companies have successfully leveraged their brands as powerful business models:

    • Apple: Their brand represents innovation, design, and user experience, attracting loyal customers willing to pay premium prices for their products.
    • Nike: Their brand embodies performance, inspiration, and social responsibility, resonating with athletes and fitness enthusiasts worldwide.
    • Patagonia: Their brand stands for environmental sustainability and social activism, attracting customers who share their values and are willing to pay a premium for their products.
    • LEGO: Their brand represents creativity, fun, and learning, engaging children and families for generations.

    Challenges in Building Brand-Driven Businesses:

    While significant benefits exist, challenges need to be considered:

    • Long-term Commitment: Building a strong brand requires sustained investment and commitment over time. Short-term thinking and inconsistent messaging can erode brand value.
    • Competitive Landscape: Standing out in a crowded market and differentiating your brand can be challenging, requiring constant innovation and adaptation.
    • Measuring Success: Quantifying the return on investment in brand building can be difficult, requiring a more holistic approach that considers long-term value creation.
    • Maintaining Authenticity: Brands need to stay true to their core values and resist the temptation to compromise for short-term gains.

    Implementing Brands as Business Models:

    Building a brand-driven business requires a strategic approach:

    • Define your brand identity: Clearly articulate your core values, mission, and target audience.
    • Create a compelling brand story: Develop narratives that resonate with your audience and capture the essence of your brand.
    • Deliver a consistent brand experience: Ensure every touchpoint reflects your brand identity and values.
    • Engage with your community: Build meaningful relationships with your customers and foster a sense of belonging.
    • Measure and adapt: Track brand metrics and adapt your approach based on insights and market changes.
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